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  • Birthday 01/01/1

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  1. links dead
  2. WOW a $1500 you can build a kick ass rig for that much if i had that budget i get this Western Digital Raptor 74GB 10,000RPM 1GB DDR PC-4400 ASUS "A8V Deluxe" (motherboard) Thermaltake W0013 Silent Purepower 480W AMD Socket 939 Athlon 64 3500+ nVIDIA GeForce 6800 Ultra Total: $1,528.25 and if you wait till after xmas this rig will easyly be under $1400 so you could probaly throw in a case and a second hard disk or a dvd reader/burner (sorry for my spelling)
  3. This sounds realy cool totaly wirelss internet! What type of conection do you think they have down at the antena end?
  4. Hi recently got comcast 3mb cable and an airlink wireless 108mb G router from frys for $30... i have an airlink 108 adapter card for $20 and my brother has a microsoft standard 54mb G My brother gets 1.5 mb I get 3.0mb and when i dissable the 108 mode i get 1.5mb as well A 50% differnce So if your getting slow speeds with your wireless network you should realy look into geting a 108mb system best $50 i ever spent into internet/networking
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