Hey all.
I know for a fact that Comcast is trying to eliminate "noise" from their networks. I'm talking 'Ingress'. Loose connectors, dry,cracked coax (exposed shield), water damaged coax, coax not properly grounded. This problem exists EVERYWHERE in the system(since the networks are up to 20 years old). If you understand broadband and frequency and spectrum, all those conditions allow 'Ingress or noise' into the system. There is somewhat a tolerance for this bad signal, but in order to speed up the network these bad noise levels must be lowered. So get new wires, tighten all connectors, and use RG-6 or RG-11 quad shield coax cables.(underground drops almost always crap out after 3-4 years.( water ALWAYS finds a way in). The networks can go just as fast as fiber optics because most cable TV networks are fiber and the mileage of copper coax from the nodes is not a big deal.