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About yadayada

  • Birthday 01/01/1

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  1. How can Retina be used to check ports open for the downloading of torrent. It only scans open ports of a specific IP address. How can retina be used to check incoming open ports and not outgoing open ports?
  2. I want to search ports that are open or forwarded as my ISP is not willing to share the forwareded ports and forward my requested ports. I want to use these ports for using Bittorrent download. I have used Azureus NAT/ Firewall test to manually find ports. This has been tedious process. Is there any software that can test incoming ports from 1-65000 ports and give results of which ports could be used to mke incoming Torrent connection. Such a software will help lot of persons for using Torrent donloads. Bye.. Live with choice not by chance
  3. By the way your query was the same as mine. Which ISP are you using? About your query most ISPs have blocked the incoming ports to limit the downloads
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