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today my 4 M/bit connection was upgraded to 10M/bit for no extra charge, yes that all good the problem is

I have used tesymy.net for a long time now i got 10 M/bit sec test my.net results remain at 3.8 to 4.1 M/bit

i know the server can handle this connection. so why will my results stay the same on the main server?

yes i have tryed other speed test and get from 9.7 to 10.3 M/bit

please help me understand this annoying problem..

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Hi.  I am also a Blueyonder 10MB customer and like you was disappointed to see no apparent improvement in speed.  I pursued this vigorously with Blueyonder (OK so I had some time).

The outcome was this: you will not perceive extra speed but you will be able to run many more concurrent downloads.

I tested this using their servers, downloading multiple instances of very large files.  It is true to say that I could run many more concurrent downloads before the speed of download started to slow.

However, my non-technical view is that this is a bit of marketing bulldyke.  Double my bandwidth suggests really fast performance.  There is little realworld benefit.

Like you also, I think I would rather have an upgrade to the upload bandwidth.  This would make video conferencing hum.

Anyway, hope this makes you feel a little less swindled.

obfinic  "Hi.  I am also a Blueyonder 10MB customer and like you was disappointed to see no apparent improvement in speed.  I pursued this vigorously with Blueyonder (OK so I had some time)."

obfinic i think you have misunderstood my post, my improvement from 4 M/bit to 10 M/bit was a massive increase my net

within the UK and Europe can reach speeds of 1600 KB/s + around 13 m/bit.

my problem is with transfers from the US Servers the maximum i have achieved is 5.5 M/bit

now as for your problem your throughput should increase and if blueyonder is telling you differant they are talking through a hole in their head. your speeds should be around 9 m/bit sec around 1180 KB/s

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