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        I cant connect to my mail server from external locations ..........like setup an email account using microsoft outlook .........I can send mail .....and receive mail from and to external llocations but not create an account ........I can do this though from my internal network

do you know why or have any suggestions??


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I'm not sure i exactly understand your question. Are you wanting to connect to an existing email account on the box through outlook express via pop or pop3? Or are you trying to create a mail account external instead of internal via say a linux command line? If you add a user to your box via the adduser command on a linux box they automaticlly have a mail account under that user name.

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No I have a mailserver ..........and can use a email address given by mail server to send or receive mail ........but i cant connect externally to the mail server with the given account(outside the network)........say my email address is [email protected] ........i can log into that account(connect to my exchange server) internally using ms outlook ......... but cant connect outside the lan using ms outlook to send or receive mail.

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