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ok i live like 6miles away from a tower and i was wondering if anyone knew where i could get a tripod/pole or something to get a antenna up higher plz. I have been serching for along time and i can't frind nothing on the internet. Oh and is it possable to bounce a signal say .5 mile. i own all the land around my house and i got hills like within .5 miles away i was wondering could i put a antenna or something on a hill then bounce it to my house? i need something to get up higher in the air mainly but i would like to know if i could bounce signals. Thanks BTw Love the new site layout.


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yeah.. you could do that.. it is going to require some time and cash..


Do you have power and what not on the hill?  Chec that link out.. that will give you a good idea of what type of system you are going to be looking at..

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