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Hi, w-e are trying to get Charter high speed internet installed in a house located in zip code 28722. We are trying to buy this house and relocate from SW Fla. We have a contract on this house and one of the contingencies is that HS Cable internet be installed at our cost and be acceptable in terms of quality.

The real estate agent is supposed to be taking care of this and was supposed to have an appointment to meet the installer at the house yesterday. She called Charter to confirm the appointment and was told that the installer had already been there and that it was determined the "signal" was too weak to bring HSI to that house but that it was available elsewhere in the neighborhood ( !! ) She then called the main number again and was told a different story, that there is most certainly HSI available at that address and that whoever told her the story that it was not was not telling her the truth ( !! )

She called me and asked me if we wanted OUT of the contract to purchase if we could not get cable internet and I told her that we have zero interest in moving to the dark ages of non cable high speed internet. She called us back about 2 hours later and told me she placed the order for the initernet to be installed and that that would happen on Saturday, between 3 and 5 PM. She said she spoke to a supervisor. I called Charter and they simply told me that high speed internet was definitely available at this house.


Someone from dslreports told me that the house has cable tv but is "not serviceable" for Internet. What would it take to get Charter to connect it? If it's not aavailable at this specific house, but is available in the neighborhood ( is it available in the neighborhood? ), can a customer pay some extra money and GET it to the house?

I know I'd be willing to do that.

Otherwise we are not going o buy that house and would look elsewhere for relocation. This would be a shame.

Any help would be greatly appreciated

Tom :(

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