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These are my cablenut settings (attached) . I'm running on 256/56 connection (I realize its mediocre compared to others but at least its better than dialup).

I was just wondering If there was something I should change or something that doesn't seem right with these settings. However, they are currently the best results I've gotten from speed tests from this site.

thanks for the help


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These are my cablenut settings (attached) . I'm running on 256/56 connection (I realize its mediocre compared to others but at least its better than dialup).

I was just wondering If there was something I should change or something that doesn't seem right with these settings. However, they are currently the best results I've gotten from speed tests from this site.

thanks for the help


hey sh1ntaro and welcome to the forum :)

you should test against some AU mirrors aswell http://www.testmy.net/o-mirror-ShaneAu2


the settings dosent seems right for your bandwidth even tho you score good on a speedtest. You most likely have a burst and trick the speedtest. Test with a larger testfile aswell


here is some settings you could try aswell

VanBuren :)

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