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Hello everyone! I currently have Verizon Online DSL. I am advertised at 3.0/768 and I am capped at 3360/860. On tests, I usually get 2777/715. I was wondering if there is something I can do out there to help me!  :D I know I should be satisfied with these speeds, but I want faster!  :evil6: Any help will be appreciated!

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hey Nymostwanted21 :)

you get around 80 % of your cap now and thats good for dsl

i havent seen many get cap speed or above that on dsl.

if you get around 90% of cap your fine, the 10 % missing is TCP overhead

run this test and post result URL


VanBuren :)

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looking good, do you have SP2 installed?

if so you can try increasing upload by changing default Send window in cablenut adjuster

the default value is 8192, try changing it in steps to 16384, 24576, 32768 and so on

remember to click save to registry and reboot each time you change

let me know what value that works best for you

VanBuren :)

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