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we put a direcway 6000 into our new home due to no dsl or roadrunner service the sppeeds have been slow since july, (about 127 mbps) then when i called direcway to complain, they reset their end and now it is about 200 on the download speed with the testmy.net test with the 500+ test file. what should i be getting from it and how do i get it? i'm fairly computer literate, but not an expert. i'm running a router off the direcway 6000 to 5 cat 5 jacks in my house. normally have only one computer, maybe two up and running. windows xp on all systems. any help for me...



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Maybe i don't understand this stuff, 30 of you read my post, after the direcway rep did something (i don't have a clue...maybe a hardboot of thr dw-6000) the speed went from 121 to 900+ on the download, is this much better than most of you get? see results below. has nayone tried the LCCU dowmload on their site yet?

:?: I am a bit confused, what does the numbers mean: For instance, i see in your posted reply that you get 997 Kbps connection speed, obviously bigger is better and faster. is this the 200+ that they guarantee? in addition, you sdaid you get downlaod speeds of 122 KB/s, is this a good number or is this supposed to be above 200 as well? i can't tell you my upload speed now (at work,  :angry5:) but will post later.

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