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I was getting 3000 down and 480 up before I used cablenut since there was no setting for 3000/512 I used the calculator from http://www.j79zlr.com/cablenutXP2k.php, and now I'm getting 2200 down and 450 up. I tried backing up the old which everything was blank before I did anything, and I'm still getting slow speeds. Any help would be appreciated.

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If you want to go back to the default setting than you have to remove cablenut . Go to control panel ,than click on add & remove programs, scroll down to cablenut, then click on remove , reboot

EDIT  VanBuren cablenut setting version 6 has a 3000/768 setting for cable/DSL have you try it? You can find it here  http://www.testmy.net/topic-1013

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