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I just got the upgrade for Comcast gold tier and have been looking through the forums and can not find any tweaks for the new speeds .....any help?

::.. Download Stats ..:::

Connection is:: 5897 Kbps about 5.9 Mbps (tested with 2992 KB)

Download Speed is:: 720 KB/s

Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/

Test Time:: Tue Feb 15 2005 03:22:17 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time)

Bottom Line:: 105X faster than 56K 1MB download in 1.42 sec

Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 90.72 % faster than the average for host (comcast.net)

Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/id-NVM6WY93J

::.. Upload Stats ..:::

Connection is:: 711 Kbps about 0.7 Mbps (tested with 2992 KB)

Upload Speed is:: 87 KB/s

Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/

Test Time:: Tue Feb 15 2005 03:34:25 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time)

Bottom Line:: 13X faster than 56K 1MB upload in 11.77 sec

Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 118.77 % faster than the average for host (comcast.net)

Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/id-MZK6TL32C

Is it possible to get any faster than the speeds that I am recording compared to the cap speed?

hey dog279 and welcome to the forum :)

I suggest Cablenut, and install SP2

but if you really want to stick to SP1, then use TCP Optimizer https://testmy.net/forum/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=1013.0;id=65

click cable and optimal settings, click apply and reboot

VanBuren :)

I'm a big torrent user and from my understanding is that sp 2 diminish the speed of torrent  files when downloading.......anyway  Van...here is my stats  http://ttester.broadbandreports.com/tweak/block:4e08de8?verbose=1&service=cable&speed=6000&os=winXP&via=enternet

let me know if it's ok......I really don't want to use the tcp/optimizer.....do I have to upgrade to sp2?????? that is in order to use cablenuts?????

I'm a big torrent user and from my understanding is that sp 2 diminish the speed of torrent  files when downloading.......anyway  Van...here is my stats  http://ttester.broadbandreports.com/tweak/block:4e08de8?verbose=1&service=cable&speed=6000&os=winXP&via=enternet

let me know if it's ok......I really don't want to use the tcp/optimizer.....do I have to upgrade to sp2?????? that is in order to use cablenuts?????

there is a p2p program fix for SP2 download it here https://www.speedguide.net/read_articles.php?id=1497

yes you can use Cablenut with SP1 but my custom files is build for SP2, to fully take adventage of AFD tweaking, you will need SP2

here is a old version, that you can use with SP1 https://testmy.net/forum/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=1013.0;id=63

VanBuren :)

Thanks for the info but I will after  thinking about it with microsoft , that I will download sp2....can you give me the link to your new version tweak fror sp2???? thanks in advace for your help!!!!! This site is tha shhhhiiizzzznik!!!!!! :lol:

Thanks for the info but I will after  thinking about it with microsoft , that I will download sp2....can you give me the link to your new version tweak fror sp2???? thanks in advace for your help!!!!! This site is tha shhhhiiizzzznik!!!!!! :lol:


no problem, yea this site is tha Sh!t  :D

VanBuren :)

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