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I'm on the market to swap my notebook for a netbook. I'm looking for a 10 inch screen with most regular functions and good battery life, but on that respect pretty much all netbooks are alike. One thing I want however is to install linux on it, so I want the components to have linux drivers avaliable. My initial choice would be an eee PC, probably the cheapest 1000H, since I'm a fan of ASUS mobos and they seem to have once shipped with linux, but I wanted to have other people's thoughts. I am also out for recommendations on what distro I should install. The option I am looking at right now would be ubuntu-eee (apparently now called easy peasy), but once again I am open to suggestions.

Edit: I don't care about a webcam or bluetooth, but I want a nice trackpad and a relatively large and comfortable keyboard, and a good resolution is a plus. If you see a good deal fitting my needs that ships in Canada, please advise me.

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Are SSDs on netbooks as fast as say the ones with barefoot controller or are they still the older slower generation? If they are of the older generation, I don't really see the point of getting an ssd, I don't care about noise and 5 hours of battery is already fine with me. The one that I would consider right now is this one


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I've got my answer for the SSD: They are using Jmicron controllers and are therefore slow in certain usages, so I think I'l go HDD and wait a year or two when prices have gone down and get a good Indilix (or whatever is good then) controller based SSD for cheap. Or then again, I'm going to buy a high end SSD soon (I'm eyeing the patriot torqx 128G atm) so I might just put that one in in a few years.

Am I right in assuming that since some 1000 generation eee pcs ship with linux, all of the netbooks from that generation should have hardware that offers good compatibility? Here's asus's chart of hardware http://event.asus.com/eeepc/comparison/eeepc_comparison.htm

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I've found quite an intereresting option, although it is a bit more expensive:


Although I'm less sure about linux compatibility, it is quite a bit more powerful (hello 720p video) and the extra screen space at no extra weight is welcome. It's pretty much a rebadged acer 1410, but I'm not going to complain about the 3G of ram. Any opinions?

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I did end up buying that Gateway computer, and after a few hours of fiddling with it I am quite happy. It definitively is quieter and cooler than my dual core turion laptop, and the processing power is sufficient to run vista home premium. I have yet to try it on Linux, I will probably do that in the next few days.

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