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Help me with cablenut settings!!!!


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This is my internet connection status

:::.. Upload Stats ..:::

Connection is:: 548 Kbps about 0.5 Mbps (tested with 1496 KB)

Upload Speed is:: 67 KB/s

Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/

Test Time:: Fri Mar 11 17:53:46 UTC-0300 2005

Bottom Line:: 10X faster than 56K 1MB upload in 15.28 sec

Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 238.27 % faster than the average for host (com.br)

Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-BZOYRW62H

:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Connection is:: 526 Kbps about 0.5 Mbps (tested with 1496 KB)

Download Speed is:: 64 KB/s

Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/

Test Time:: Fri Mar 11 17:54:46 UTC-0300 2005

Bottom Line:: 9X faster than 56K 1MB download in 16 sec

Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 57.01 % faster than the average for host (com.br)

Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-5QPIM8ER7

I would like that somebody helps me with cablenut  settings, because this is the first time i use this program. THX

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I did it but wich one is the best for my internet

Cable 600/600

:::.. Upload Stats ..:::

Connection is:: 548 Kbps about 0.5 Mbps (tested with 1496 KB)

Upload Speed is:: 67 KB/s

Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/

Test Time:: Fri Mar 11 17:53:46 UTC-0300 2005

Bottom Line:: 10X faster than 56K 1MB upload in 15.28 sec

Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 238.27 % faster than the average for host (com.br)

Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-BZOYRW62H

:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Connection is:: 526 Kbps about 0.5 Mbps (tested with 1496 KB)

Download Speed is:: 64 KB/s

Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/

Test Time:: Fri Mar 11 17:54:46 UTC-0300 2005

Bottom Line:: 9X faster than 56K 1MB download in 16 sec

Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 57.01 % faster than the average for host (com.br)

Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-5QPIM8ER7

TCP options string = 020405b401010402

MTU = 1500

MTU is fully optimized for broadband.

MSS = 1460

Maximum useful data in each packet = 1460, which equals MSS.

Default Receive Window (RWIN) = 17520

RWIN Scaling (RFC1323) = 0 bits

Unscaled Receive Window = 17520

RWIN is a multiple of MSS

Other values for RWIN that might work well with your current MTU/MSS:

513920 (MSS x 44 * scale factor of 8)

256960 (MSS x 44 * scale factor of 4)

128480 (MSS x 44 * scale factor of 2)

64240 (MSS x 44) 

bandwidth * delay product (Note this is not a speed test):

Your RcvWindow limits you to: 700.8 kbps (87.6 KBytes/s) @ 200ms

Your RcvWindow limits you to: 280.32 kbps (35.04 KBytes/s) @ 500ms

Consider increasing your RWIN value to optimize TCP/IP for broadband.

MTU Discovery (RFC1191) = ON

Time to live left = 114 hops

TTL value is ok.

Timestamps (RFC1323) = OFF

Selective Acknowledgements (RFC2018) = ON

IP type of service field (RFC1349) = 00000000

Help me . THX

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Thx for the help...

Van Bauren look, this is the test before the changes in cablenut.

:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Connection is:: 524 Kbps about 0.5 Mbps (tested with 1496 KB)

Download Speed is:: 64 KB/s

Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/

Test Time:: Thu Mar 10 17:53:14 UTC-0300 2005

Bottom Line:: 9X faster than 56K 1MB download in 16 sec

Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 54.57 % faster than the average for host (com.br)

Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-N2H5D839P

:::.. Upload Stats ..:::

Connection is:: 559 Kbps about 0.6 Mbps (tested with 1496 KB)

Upload Speed is:: 68 KB/s

Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/

Test Time:: Thu Mar 10 17:54:47 UTC-0300 2005

Bottom Line:: 10X faster than 56K 1MB upload in 15.06 sec

Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 219.43 % faster than the average for host (com.br)

Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-VW481JRIC

Is that good or can be better? My internet: cable 600/600

TCP options string = 020405b40103030101010402

MTU = 1500

MTU is fully optimized for broadband.

MSS = 1460

Maximum useful data in each packet = 1460, which equals MSS.

Default Receive Window (RWIN) = 76800

RWIN Scaling (RFC1323) = 1 bits (scale factor of 2)

Unscaled Receive Window = 38400

RWIN is not fully optimized (even though it is a comparatively large number). The unscaled RWIN value is lower than it should be, which can affect your connection to some servers. Also, RWIN being close above 65535 does not justify the header overhead of scaling. You might want to use one of our recommended RWIN values below.

For optimum performance, consider changing RWIN to a multiple of MSS.

Other values for RWIN that might work well with your current MTU/MSS:

513920 (MSS x 44 * scale factor of 8)

256960 (MSS x 44 * scale factor of 4)

128480 (MSS x 44 * scale factor of 2)

64240 (MSS x 44) 

bandwidth * delay product (Note this is not a speed test):

Your RcvWindow limits you to: 3072 kbps (384 KBytes/s) @ 200ms

Your RcvWindow limits you to: 1228.8 kbps (153.6 KBytes/s) @ 500ms

MTU Discovery (RFC1191) = ON

Time to live left = 50 hops

TTL value is ok.

Timestamps (RFC1323) = OFF

Selective Acknowledgements (RFC2018) = ON

IP type of service field (RFC1349) = 11110000

Precedence (priority) = 000 (routine)

Delay = 0 (normal delay)

Throughput = 1 (high throughput)

Reliability = 1 (high reliability)

Cost = 1 (low cost)

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Thx for the help...

Van Bauren look, this is the test before the changes in cablenut.

:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Connection is:: 524 Kbps about 0.5 Mbps (tested with 1496 KB)

Download Speed is:: 64 KB/s

Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/

Test Time:: Thu Mar 10 17:53:14 UTC-0300 2005

Bottom Line:: 9X faster than 56K 1MB download in 16 sec

Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 54.57 % faster than the average for host (com.br)

Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-N2H5D839P

:::.. Upload Stats ..:::

Connection is:: 559 Kbps about 0.6 Mbps (tested with 1496 KB)

Upload Speed is:: 68 KB/s

Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/

Test Time:: Thu Mar 10 17:54:47 UTC-0300 2005

Bottom Line:: 10X faster than 56K 1MB upload in 15.06 sec

Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 219.43 % faster than the average for host (com.br)

Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-VW481JRIC

Is that good or can be better? My internet: cable 600/600

TCP options string = 020405b40103030101010402

MTU = 1500

MTU is fully optimized for broadband.

MSS = 1460

Maximum useful data in each packet = 1460, which equals MSS.

Default Receive Window (RWIN) = 76800

RWIN Scaling (RFC1323) = 1 bits (scale factor of 2)

Unscaled Receive Window = 38400

RWIN is not fully optimized (even though it is a comparatively large number). The unscaled RWIN value is lower than it should be, which can affect your connection to some servers. Also, RWIN being close above 65535 does not justify the header overhead of scaling. You might want to use one of our recommended RWIN values below.

For optimum performance, consider changing RWIN to a multiple of MSS.

Other values for RWIN that might work well with your current MTU/MSS:

513920 (MSS x 44 * scale factor of 8)

256960 (MSS x 44 * scale factor of 4)

128480 (MSS x 44 * scale factor of 2)

64240 (MSS x 44)

bandwidth * delay product (Note this is not a speed test):

Your RcvWindow limits you to: 3072 Kbps (384 KBytes/s) @ 200ms

Your RcvWindow limits you to: 1228.8 Kbps (153.6 KBytes/s) @ 500ms

MTU Discovery (RFC1191) = ON

Time to live left = 50 hops

TTL value is ok.

Timestamps (RFC1323) = OFF

Selective Acknowledgements (RFC2018) = ON

IP type of service field (RFC1349) = 11110000

Precedence (priority) = 000 (routine)

Delay = 0 (normal delay)

Throughput = 1 (high throughput)

Reliability = 1 (high reliability)

Cost = 1 (low cost)

most likely no, it wont go faster cos your already getting around 90% of your speed

but if your lucky, your cap is higher then your advertised speed

VanBuren :)

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Van bauren just one last thing,

I dont know if this is the right place to ask you that, but do you know the best configuration to play cs on net with this connection?

Configuration like cl_cmdrate , cl_updaterate, rate ...... THX A LOT MAN

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