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:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Connection is:: 3324 Kbps about 3.3 Mbps (tested with 1496 kB)

Download Speed is:: 406 kB/s

Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/

Test Time:: Fri Mar 18 09:24:07 EST 2005

Bottom Line:: 59X faster than 56K 1MB download in 2.52 sec

Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 22.66 % faster than the average for host (adelphia.net)

Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-5NT9MX2PC

thats off a wireless network about 400 feet away going through about 4 walls and crosing a huge lake i got thes speed from my great router and using tcp optimizer.

in tcp optimizer cange the settings to Extreme and then custom and change the MaxMTU to as low as it goes.

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dkiller723, I'm on wireless too. What equipment do you have... antenna? Is your service capped? What's your upload. What rouiter do you use?

Too many questions....are we there yet?

I just noticed the 'adelphia.net' in your post. So this is cable right? And you're running a wireless home network.

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yes all my computers are wireless and hears a link to my router http://www.usr.com/products/networking/router-product.asp?sku=USR8054 for right now i have just the stock antenna's but im gonna upguade and get 2 of these http://buffalotech.com/products/product-detail.php?productid=40&categoryid=8

My service is caped at 3000 and 256 and hears my upload speed

:::.. Upload Stats ..:::

Connection is:: 379 Kbps about 0.4 Mbps (tested with 579 kB)

Upload Speed is:: 46 kB/s

Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/

Test Time:: Fri Mar 18 09:41:04 EST 2005

Bottom Line:: 7X faster than 56K 1MB upload in 22.26 sec

Diagnosis: Looks Great : 14.16 % faster than the average for host (adelphia.net)

Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-BH2JRTUY0

its low because of adelphia but faster than everyone else gets 30k max out hear in boca, FL 

Im gonna start to post wireless tips in the forms so keep a look out

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My service to the house from the ISP is wireless. I pick up their signal with a Telex antenna sitting right outside the door, from a repeater up on the hill. I also run a wired/wireless network in the house using a Linksys WRT54G router. It does real well, but still have some dead spots that can be aggrevating. I've been looking into placing an antenna on each level of the house to even out the signal. Just haven't decided whether to hardwire to new access points or to get the wireless repeaters. Running cable up three floors is a pain, but so is hearing my wife complaining about an antenna hanging on the wall. Maybe I can hide it in a vase or something.

I got my router when the 54g first came out. I am curious to see what the new 54g's with speedbooster can do. Do you feel that there is a big improvement with your turbo over a standard 54g wirless router?

I look forward to seeing your posts on wireless tips!

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Hears a quck tip if you want a larger range with wireless with out buying new antenns go into your router and chage the router speed from auto or 54mbps to 2mbps. The reason i say to do this is the lower the data rate the lower the tx rate so your range is increased quite a bit. about 30-40%. only do this if your not sharing large files over the wireless network just sharing the internet.

More wireless tips to come.

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best way to go is wired. i had one computer wireless. my advertise speeds are 6000/768. the highest i gotten on wireless was around 3000 down and 400 something up i just decided to go wired and i got the cables VERY cheap http://www.cat5ecableguy.com/cat5e_cables?b=1

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this is for the dumb ass who said speed has nothing to do with range. Whell i have to tell you that speed has everything to do with range. Heas a scale to back it up


54 Mbps    165ft (50m)      65ft (20m)

18 Mbps    490ft (150m)    195ft (60m)

11 Mbps    590ft (180m)    245ft (75m)

1 Mbps      1870ft (570m)  410ft (125m)

when you when you icrease speed range is decreased

More tips and tricks coming

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My service to the house from the ISP is wireless. I pick up their signal with a Telex antenna sitting right outside the door, from a repeater up on the hill. I also run a wired/wireless network in the house using a Linksys WRT54G router. It does real well, but still have some dead spots that can be aggrevating. I've been looking into placing an antenna on each level of the house to even out the signal. Just haven't decided whether to hardwire to new access points or to get the wireless repeaters. Running cable up three floors is a pain, but so is hearing my wife complaining about an antenna hanging on the wall. Maybe I can hide it in a vase or something.

I got my router when the 54g first came out. I am curious to see what the new 54g's with speedbooster can do. Do you feel that there is a big improvement with your turbo over a standard 54g wirless router?

I look forward to seeing your posts on wireless tips!

i got

Linksys modem - BEFCMU10 ver2                http://www.linksys.com/products/product.asp?grid=34&scid=29&prid=592

Linksys router    - WRT54GS  (speedbooster) http://www.linksys.com/products/product.asp?grid=33&scid=35&prid=610

Linksys w/l pci  - WMP54GS (speedbooster)  http://www.linksys.com/products/product.asp?grid=33&scid=36&prid=621 (dont use since im wired)

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best way to go is wired. i had one computer wireless. my advertise speeds are 6000/768. the highest i gotten on wireless was around 3000 down and 400 something up i just decided to go wired and i got the cables VERY cheap http://www.cat5ecableguy.com/cat5e_cables?b=1

I have my 'working' machines hardwired. In fact I've been thinking of using the Gigabit LAN on them for my workgroup setup for my HTPC network.

dkiller732's suggestion, for lowering router speed to increase range, is a good one. At least for me. I have the wireless installed for my kids for when they're home from college. All they need is to surf and email. That too solves another problem I have been trying to conquer: how to restrict bandwidth on the network.

Good tip! Keep 'em comin'

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Damn....I almost forgot. I need to ask you cable guys ...what should I buy for a cable modem. I ordered Adelphia HSI and am opting for the 6768 and selected the plan where I buy my own modem. Don't have a clue. Maybe I should post this elsewhere?

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I like the Linksys, never had a problem with them. I think I'll pick up unit with speedbooster on it to setup a channel just for me and my laptop. I'm gonna get brain damage from all the RF around here. Summers coming, so I just ordered Adelphia HSI to put in here in addition to the SkyNet Wireless I already have. The kids will be home from school for three months. Five people trying to hog bandwidth all at once. I'd have to get a dial-up account just to check my mail :icon_pale:

only thing with the router is the range. kinda poor, might need to get better antenna. when i was looking for price on antenna  :icon_pale: i just went wired, comes out cheaper

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i just found this website for router wrt54g and wrt54gs. something to do with firmware


Yeah, I saw that the other day. I have the latest firmware updates on my router, and it did make a difference. But when I saw this thing ...I thought, why pay for something, it already works?

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Hears a cool linksys router hack [only works on linksys WRT54g router]

if you want the best firmware upgrade for you linksys router [only works with linksys WRT54G router] click this link http://unc.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/wifi-box/wfb_2.02.2.6-tp.zip download the file unzip it get the .BIN file open your linksys control panel and upgrade the firmware. This upograde give you features like signal sterngth increse and dreceses TX and RX antenna options telnet and much much more.

more info coming on wireless.

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