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New Magic Tweak!!!

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Guest helloimtim

Well I got your attention. Please pay attention. Yes tweaking can Help your speeds. Generally speaking xp is pretty tweaked for dsl. I have seen countless posts wanting tweaks to speed things up. I may get flamed but it dosent work that way. While yes SOMETIMES tweaking will help. Its rare but happens. I just can not stress this enough. THERE IS NO MAGIC TWEAKS!!!!!!

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hey Tim :)

I have to disagree, tweaking will help, but its alot harder to tweak a dsl connection

windows default values wont fit a bandwidth range from 256 Kbps dsl to 26 Mbps dsl....

a RWIN of 64240 is way to big for a 256 Kbps dsl connection, and too small for a 26 Mbps dsl

also you need to think about the Bandwidth-Delay-Product

quote from http://www.psc.edu/networking/projects/tcptune/

"The amount of data that can be in transit in the network, termed "Bandwidth-Delay-Product," or BDP for short, is simply the product of the bottleneck link bandwidth and the Round Trip Time (RTT). BDP is a simple but important concept in a window based protocol such as TCP. Some of the issues discussed below arise because of the fact that the BDP of today's networks has increased way beyond what it was when the TCP/IP protocols were initially designed. In order to accommodate the large increases in BDP, some high performance extensions have been proposed and implemented in the TCP protocol. But these high performance options are sometimes not enabled by default and will have to be explicitly turned on by the system administrators."

lets calculate some http://www.dslnuts.com/bitsbytes.shtml

Default RWIN of 64240

Maximal latency 200 ms

MSS 1460

as you can see the bandwidth is limited to 325 KB/s

thats 325 x 8,192 = 2662 Kbps

so you mean a DSL customer with 26 Mbps package has to live with a oversea, or eastcoast to westcoast downloadspeed of 2,6 Mbps....

No offence Tim, but you should backup your statement with some facts before you start claming stuff like this, you have seen alot of ppl with dsl problems, that dosent mean tweak wont help

VanBuren :)

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