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i have heard good and bad things about both of these which one of these (if either one) might be safer and better to boost my connection speed??

hey billybob :)

I have to say Cablenut is more safe, i downloaded that tweakmaster thing and when i clicked load windows default settings in that program, it didnt load windows default settings at all... The program loaded settings that mess up your speed instead

like Blackhole Detection enabled, and Selective Acks off ????

The program does help for download speed, but it dosent tweak uploadspeed at all unlike cablenut that is the only tweak program that can handle upload tweaking

The program basicly works like TCP Optimizer but has a Wizard with 5 options, below you can see the settings that was used

As you can see, the program dosent tweak whole TCP stack ( see all emty fields in cablenut ), it only tweak some settings, and that helps for downloadspeed but nothing more...

Cablenut is harder to use, but thats why we are here to help, once you see how cablenut works its not hard at all :)

VanBuren :)

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