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problem browsing with new cablenut settings and hhigh CPU usage

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i recently downgraded my cable service from 5 to 4mb and changed cablenut settings using van buurens values. Now brosing the net is very anoying it takes a while to open some pages and then sometimes the pages will "freeze" for a bit. I decided to look at the cpu usage and i noticed sometimes accesing webpages it shoots to 100% at the same time the web page pauses. i never realy noticed this before what could it be? i have xp 2 and 2.0GHZ P4 with 768mb ram. thanks

i just use IE. I was using your setting for the 5 and now using your setting for the 4mb service. did not have this problem with the 5 mb service shoud i maybe still use the same settings??

i daubt the problem is the settings, try diffrent cablenut files and compare

VanBuren :)

hey vanburen, my service is 4/256 what setting do you think i should use? now i am using the 4/384 because it matches my service the closest. I always get realy bad DL speed from testmy.net even from the mirror sites i cant seem to get anythign over 1.5mb i dont know what to do im sure it has somethign to do with my isp. cox las vegas sucks big time

actualy i dont seem to be having that problem any more. i am also pleased to say that i can now test up to 90% or more of my advertised speed on testmy.net. Since i ahve been posting on here i was always unable to pull that off and now all of a sudden i can do it time after time. maybe cox was doing an upgrade for thoose few days or soemthing was bgroken but it work really well now. thanks for al lthe help though

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