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Hi there, I have just got BT 1 MB broadband with the voyager 205 router (1MB up, 256 down) and am running windows 2000 with all updates.  I've checked my system and it's spyware/virus free.  I've been trying to optimise my connection using TCPoptimiser, DrTCP and Cablenut, using some of the custom files posted here (thank you).

My problem is that all of the optimisations seem to take except for the MTU which is always reported by the speedguide TCP/IP analyser as being 1460 no matter what I do.  I've changed the value in the router, in the registry and done everything I could possibly think of.  Everything on my system reports it as being 1500 but when I test with speedguide it says 1460.  If I try and change it lower, it takes but it won't go any higher than 1460.

Anyone know what's happening?

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hey loki679 and welcome to the forum  :)

download and install cablenut https://testmy.net/forum/index.php?action=dlattach;topic=1013.0;id=64

download and install Dr.Tcp http://www.dslreports.com/front/DRTCP021.exe

open Dr.Tcp

make sure all fields is blank, if you see any value in any field, use delete and erase them, set all other options as Default

now click save and exit

open cablenut, click delete cablenut tweaks and click save to registry

now reboot your PC and if you have a router, bypass it and connect your PC direct to modem via ethernet

make a speed and tweaktest http://www.dslreports.com/tweaks

when you get result from tweaktest, copy whole URL adress and paste it here

VanBuren  :)

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Hi, sorry for the late reply.

I've been messing around with my system, i've switched to connecting through an ethernet adapter set to 100MB full duplex and changed to windows XP.  MTU 1460 as you suggested.  The receive window is set to 130640 (all 3 of them) and the send window is set to 32660.  All of the other settings are set as in your custom file Cable and DSL 1000 256 version 6.  This is my result now:

:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Connection is:: 985 Kbps about 1 Mbps (tested with 2992 kB)

Download Speed is:: 120 kB/s

Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (main)

Test Time:: Fri May 6 00:47:24 UTC+0100 2005

Bottom Line:: 18X faster than 56K 1MB download in 8.53 sec

Diagnosis: 90% + Okay : running at 91.29 % of your hosts average (btcentralplus.com)

That is MUCH better than before.  Thanks for your help!

One thing that did concern me is that with my Kerio firewall running (newly downloaded tonight)  I lose about 200kb/s so i'm going to look around for a new firewall.

Again, thanks.

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Thanks man, i'll try it.

I still don't get why the router was using 1460 MTU when it was set to 1500 but to be honest I didn't get much of what that router did :).

I telnetted into it and there is a section in ppp for setting MTU but even that didn't seem to change it when set to 1500. 

Weird little thing.

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