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I decided to tweak a computer at school...

This is the download rate that I got before I did any tweaking...


This is the ping rate that I was getting


After tweaking, I was getting 200 KB/s... I used the 100 mbps full duplex tweak with a rwin of 7300.

I am not discrediting VanBuren's tweak at all. I am just suggesting that those people that are stuck behing a software router/firewall as I am (windows server 2003 with ISA server) then these tweaks will probably not work for you. I tested with ftp, because that is the only protocol that is allowed to get to the internet without passing through the proxy. I knew for sure that I would not be able to tweak this system for faster http downloads, because I would have had to tweak the ISA server for that.

Oh well, I guess I have to live with these pathetically slow 1.7 MB/s download rates with much higher to Internet 2 at school for now :(


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Dont change the RWIN in my 100 Mbps Fiber .ccs file

I forgot to say that in my guide that you shouldnt use that RWIN calculator on fiberoptics cos you got very low ping to your first hop....

Reload the 100 Mbps fullduplex.ccs file and dont change anything click save to registry, then reboot

Your RWIN should be 64240

I will edit my Tweakguide

Tnx for reporting back

VanBuren :)

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All right, I will try that when I get some free time again later today...

Maybe I should try the DS3 tweaks instead? I know that the smallest pipe between me and the net is 100mbps, but the fastest that I have ever gotten was 3/3 MB/s. I also know that the connection must be full duplex.

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Use the 100 Mbps file, i found a problem in that T3 file so i just updated it, if you still like to try it and compare speed, just redownload the .zip and overwrite the old one, or just change in that T3 file Defult Send Window to 5153587

VanBuren :)

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Ok, either some congestion on our pipe (from other students) has let up, or your tweaks helped. Either way, it worked better this time, because it didn't cut down to 200 KB/s...

I will be testing tonight when no one is at school, and on a computer I haven not tweaked at all yet.





Let's see if testmy/VanBuren's tests run better now...


:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Connection is:: 3419 Kbps about 3.4 Mbps (tested with 2992 KB)

Download Speed is:: 417 KB/s

Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/

Bottom Line:: 61 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 2.46 second(s)

Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/get.cgi?Test_ID=XY04JUCHJ


:::.. Download Stats ..:::

Connection is:: 578 Kbps about 0.6 Mbps (tested with 5184 KB)

Download Speed is:: 71 KB/s

Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/

Bottom Line:: 10 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 14.42 second(s)

Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/get.cgi?Test_ID=50NUJI83T

Not really much better, but that was expected, as I am still going through the same proxy for http. (the proxy is required to access the internet)

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may i ask why you are running vnc?

I suppose so, you could ask, but would I answer?...

lol, it's a school. I am a sysadmin, and I use it to work on computers remotely. Every ghost image that we roll out has VNC installed... Why, is there a problem with that?

I will be tweaking/testing after school ends.

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not the most secure program in the world.. but that is cool.. I am suprised that you are not using anywhere by Symantec.. that seem to be a more logical approach for business.. I am almost positive most companies wouldnt run that stuff on any computer.. no matter what.. doesnt windows remote desktop do everything that vnc does? plus it is more secure i believe, have to check my sources... windows security changes every second..


If it is a school wouldnt you be worried that some kid who has to much time in his basement access the teacher's computer from an internal lab and messes with the grade book.. I know that it is password protected.. but there are ways around that.. Or even make it so that it isnt readable... I know a few teacher at my former high school who did their stuff on excel.. Not password protected.. Just seems easy to access stuff around there..

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Yeah, I know. VNC isn't all that secure... The head sysadmin insists on using it though, because she has used it ever since Windows 98, which didn't have remote desktop connection. I tried to change her mind to use RDP on a new shipment of computers, but she ended up going around and installing VNC again... Also, she would rather get a free unsecure remote access system rather than buying anything regardless of security... The kids here are un-intelligent beyond belief, though. I won't say that's it's not possible, but I know that not one of the students has figured it out yet.

I do find it incredibly useful for my home systems, however. Of course that is in a much more private environment... I especially love the price for home use :lol: (free)

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Tracert to testmy

[code:1]C:>tracert testmy.net

Tracing route to testmy.net []

over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 2 ms 2 ms 2 ms (internal router)

2 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms (firewall)

3 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms (external router)

4 1 ms <1 ms 1 ms (1st)

5 3 ms 3 ms 8 ms (2nd)

6 2 ms 2 ms 3 ms (3rd)

7 9 ms 20 ms 12 ms ge-1-2-0x25.nl-chi3.mich.net []

8 9 ms 10 ms 9 ms ge-4-3-0.r00.chcgil06.us.bb.verio.net [206.223.1


9 9 ms 12 ms 9 ms p16-1-0-0.r01.chcgil06.us.bb.verio.net [129.250.


10 31 ms 31 ms 32 ms p16-1-1-0.r21.dllstx09.us.bb.verio.net [129.250.


11 31 ms 31 ms 31 ms ge-1-0-0.a00.dllstx09.us.ra.verio.net [129.250.2


12 31 ms 37 ms 40 ms ge-1-1.a00.dllstx04.us.ra.verio.net [129.250.31.


13 32 ms 31 ms 31 ms ge-9-3.a00.dllstx04.us.ce.verio.net [157.238.228


14 31 ms 32 ms 31 ms dsr2-1-v2.dllstx4.theplanet.com []

15 37 ms 37 ms 62 ms gig1-0-1.tp-car9-1.dllstx4.theplanet.com [67.18.


16 32 ms 34 ms 32 ms 6.67-19-36.reverse.theplanet.com []

Trace complete.


Edited for my, and michnet's protection :D

Also, this network is connected to internet 2.

[code:1]C:>tracert princeton.edu

Tracing route to princeton.edu []

over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 2 ms 2 ms 2 ms (internal router)

2 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms (firewall)

3 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms (external router)

4 <1 ms <1 ms 1 ms (1st)

5 5 ms 6 ms 13 ms (2nd)

6 2 ms 2 ms 2 ms (3rd)

7 13 ms 23 ms 19 ms abilene-iplsng.mich.net []

8 26 ms 17 ms 22 ms chinng-iplsng.abilene.ucaid.edu []

9 39 ms 37 ms 50 ms nycmng-chinng.abilene.ucaid.edu []

10 44 ms 47 ms 44 ms washng-nycmng.abilene.ucaid.edu []

11 45 ms 44 ms 45 ms local1.abilene.magpi.net []

12 53 ms 45 ms 55 ms remote.princeton.magpi.net []

13 48 ms 50 ms 46 ms gigagate1.princeton.edu []

14 * * * Request timed out.

15 * ^C


You can see how it hops over the east coast via internet 2. This was also edited for my and michnet's protection. The hops that were edited are private.

Abilene is Internet2.

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oh i thought you had a lower ping to testmy.net, try to change TcpWindowsize in my 100 Mbps file from 64240 to 338720 and change Tcp13230pts from 0 to 1 (windows scaling). Also set GlobalMaxTcpWindowsize to 338720.

This TcpWindowsize will limit your speed to 10 MB/s on a 34 ms ping.

good luck

VanBuren :)

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Sorry, I should have put in this comment. This is on a system that I have yet to tweak... I will post back later in the day with some tweak speeds and pings.

Seeing this as my "stock" ping rate, should I still use the 100 mbps full duplex file and change that setting? I will be applying the straight tweak file first, and then modify the settings.

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