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Anybody have it?  The new 7700 modem? From reading the stuff at www.groundcontrol.com I get the impression I can sidestep the DirecWay headaches if i pay $160 a month for business 100 and get US based tech support, an 800 meg FAP, and a typical up/down of 128/1024.  True?  I was considering vsat-systems or Galileo  which supposedly provide constant metered performance, but with very small monthly download limits.  If I'm looking for good service and speeds and no headaches, is DirecWay business an option?????

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Ok, I guess nobody has the 7700 modem, which is being released mid august.  But does anybody have business class DirecWay through ground control?  Just trying to find out if it sux like regular DirecWay, or having their US support and bigger equipment is really worth it, thinking of ordering this week since wild blue is delayed in florida until at least december.

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Thanks I got scared off dway and bought a vsat-systems instead. $2400 and $119 a month for a single gigabyte in download a month, but at least I'll get 24X7 uptime and 1024 Kbps down, all the time.  I guess as long as I drive to the McDonalds every morning and use their wireless for my big downloads I'll be ok.  :haha:

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As of June 30th Direcway pushed out the released version of the DW7700 software that implimented the bandwidth limitations and all the good results i was getting came to a screeching halt. I have also been told that the Fap are still at 100Mb for some of the plans like the buisness 200 plan is around 100Mb.

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