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I like the HP external drives (I still have one), but depending on your budget, you might look at the Sony drives.  The Sony DRX-800UL will burn dual layer in both the +R and -R formats at higher speeds.  Dual layer disks are still outrageously priced but eventually they'll be a great choice for large Ghost images, media collections, etc.  I have a Sony DRX-710UL and an aging HP dvd300e.  The Sony is my work horse now.

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Maximum Write Speed 4x DVD+R DL; 16x DVD+R; 16x DVD-R; 48x CD-R

Maximum Rewrite Speed 8x DVD+RW; 6x DVD-RW; 24x CD-RW

Maximum Read Speed 16x DVD-ROM; 40x CD-ROM

Interface Slot/Connection Port USB 2.0, i.LINK (IEEE 1394)


Maximum Write Speed 2.4x DVD+R DL; 16x DVD+R; 8x DVD-R; 40x CD-R

Maximum Rewrite Speed 4x DVD+RW; 4x DVD-RW; 24x CD-RW

Maximum Read Speed 16x DVD-ROM; 40x CD-ROM

Interface Slot/Connection Port USB 2.0, FireWire (IEEE 1394)

Plextor PX-716UF


That is what I am looking at.  Both are $160ish with the plextor at 230  The only thing that I dont know about is the sony's quality.. I had a friend who had one of the original sony cd-rw drives and it was so picky about media..  the sony does look like the faster drive.. but the hp has litescribe.. or what ever they call it..

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Well I have decided to go an entire different direction with the upgrade...  Instead of going external i am just going to upgrade my current drive to an internal slim dvd-rw driver.. Here is what I am looking at.. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16827152048

Zipzoom doesnt have it stock right now.. so i cant get it in 2 days.  :(  But I can wait..

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