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Ok, my comptuer isnt the newest, its a :

Biostar M6TWG MOBO

Celeron 600

XP Home

384 ram

I am gonna upgrade my CPU just because I can upgrade it another 300 Mhz with a Celeron or P3.

My question is this:

Should I get an 850 PIII or a 900 Celeron? I was thinking the P3 because it is a stronger processor, but will the lack of 50 mhz between the two, actually make a difference?


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wahts the difference between


Pentium III 866MHz FC-PGA 133MHz FSB 256K Socket 370 OEM Processor

Warranty : 30 Days Standard Warranty

  $22.00  $22.00



Pentium III 800EBMHz FC-PGA 133MHz FSB 256K Socket 370 OEM Processor

Warranty : 30 Days Standard Warranty

  $22.00  $22.00

The one say's 800EBMHz and the other says 866MHz, what does the EB stand for?

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Hell yeah, go with it man. those are good processors and 50MHz. won't make any diff, but being a PIII will.

I checked your link though, and I didn't see any 850 PIII's , it went from 800 to 866 maybe I overlooked it.

Thats cuz i found it cheaper somewhere else......


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those are 800Mhz. and I believe the EB stands for 133Mhz FSB and your MB is 100Mhz.

This is the one you would need for your MB.......


Pentium III 800EMHz FC-PGA 100MHz FSB 256K Socket 370 OEM Processor 


Warranty 30 Days Standard Warranty

60 Days Extended Warranty (Add $5.00)

90 Days Extended Warranty (Add $10.00)


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also if you are into overclocking back in them days we used to take a celeron 66 Mhz FSB. CPU and run it at 100Mhz.FSB and cool the hell out of them, other than that you might want to see what deerkill has and make sure they are 100Mhz. FSB... ;)

this is what you would want to end up with..


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wanna gimme one? or sell it REAL cheap?!?!?!


Here's the best one for your MB.....

C1116    Pentium III 1GHz FC-PGA 100MHz FSB 256K Socket 370 OEM Processor 


Warranty 30 Days Standard Warranty

60 Days Extended Warranty (Add $5.00)

90 Days Extended Warranty (Add $10.00)


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