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Ok, it's been driving me nuts.  My mother's notebook has never gotten over 250k/s, it's connected wirelessly to my router.

My PC hardconnected to the router gets around 6.5 meg connection, while anything on wireless only gets around 1000-1800.

Anything I can do to fix this?  Its a 802.11b router, but from what i'e heard a wireless-b router can easily handle these slow comcast services.

P.S. My upload speed on this laptop is like 380... uploads at 44k/s which is about the same as my PC...

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switch to a 802.11g router  :D

i had a gateway wireless 802.11b router, dl speeds were 3-4 Mb below my avertise speeds (6Mb). i got a linksys 802.11g router (wrt54gs), now i get around my advertise speeds (5-6Mb). since Comcast upgrade the dl to 8Mb, now i get around 7- 7-5 Mb

Linksys WRT54GS http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?skuId=6304082&type=product&id=1074787298555

or http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/searchtools/item-Details.asp?EdpNo=1030266&sku=L48-2264

and here is the pci card for the laptop http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/searchtools/item-Details.asp?EdpNo=1030265&sku=L48-2262

both router and pci card are Wireless G/ speedbooster

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I'd ask the same thing as Deerkill, have you used an ethernet wired connect to check the laptop speed? If it is still slow you need to figure out what the hold-up is. Maybe you need to follow the tweaks stickied in this forum. If all is okay, then I'd do as Pitbull suggests and go to G. I was just reading on the Comcast internal forums where a guy went round and round trying to get his B to get him his 4M d/l speed, but it never happened. He got a G capable router and he hit 4M.

The ratings on routers are ideal conditions, don't ever count on having ideal conditions, especially with wireless. I have the same router Pitbull has, the WRT54GS and to get max speed on my 8M account I did a lot of playing around with settings, including entering IP, Gateway and DNS numbers, not counting on them to be resolved. Finally what got me up to speed as good as wired was getting the hy-gain antennas and using a third party router firmware so I could crank up the routers transmit power.

Now, not all folks may have to do all that, but most have to tweak to get wired speed on wireless and some never quite get there. With wireless you need a lot of overhead to get what you want.

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I'd ask the same thing as Deerkill, have you used an ethernet wired connect to check the laptop speed? If it is still slow you need to figure out what the hold-up is. Maybe you need to follow the tweaks stickied in this forum. If all is okay, then I'd do as Pitbull suggests and go to G. I was just reading on the Comcast internal forums where a guy went round and round trying to get his B to get him his 4M d/l speed, but it never happened. He got a G capable router and he hit 4M.

The ratings on routers are ideal conditions, don't ever count on having ideal conditions, especially with wireless. I have the same router Pitbull has, the WRT54GS and to get max speed on my 8M account I did a lot of playing around with settings, including entering IP, Gateway and DNS numbers, not counting on them to be resolved. Finally what got me up to speed as good as wired was getting the hy-gain antennas and using a third party router firmware so I could crank up the routers transmit power.

Now, not all folks may have to do all that, but most have to tweak to get wired speed on wireless and some never quite get there. With wireless you need a lot of overhead to get what you want.

especially if you have encryption like wpa running. on my mn-700 the activation of wpa drops the speed to below that required to call itself Wi-Fi.

i lose about half my connections speed wireless compared to when it's docked. but at least it's a more secure connection than that wep crap.

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The ratings on routers are ideal conditions, don't ever count on having ideal conditions, especially with wireless. I have the same router Pitbull has, the WRT54GS and to get max speed on my 8M account I did a lot of playing around with settings, including entering IP, Gateway and DNS numbers, not counting on them to be resolved. Finally what got me up to speed as good as wired was getting the hy-gain antennas and using a third party router firmware so I could crank up the routers transmit power.

do you know the site where you got the third party firmware? i want to try it out  :D

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do you know the site where you got the third party firmware? i want to try it out  :D

Here is the link:


I now use the Sveasoft Alchemy firmware. I had used HyperWRT, but I had GUI issues with it...it worked okay, but sometimes the GUI was GOOFY.

Also check out this page:


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Here is the link:


I now use the Sveasoft Alchemy firmware. I had used HyperWRT, but I had GUI issues with it...it worked okay, but sometimes the GUI was GOOFY.

Also check out this page:


thanx man. ill try it out  :D

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