hey everybody i found this site yesterday and i was happy and everything cause i found something that fix my internet connection. What i mean by that is that when every i was on the internet it was all slugish n yucky n slow. so i tried the cablenut program and i think i did everything right. i started the program save draft then went to Topic: VanBuren TestMy.net Cablenut settings and went to
* VanBurens_cablenut_settings_2_versions.zip
i have windows xp home. service pack 2 w/ Cox as my isp
a netgear router n terayon cable mode. but i used the setting for the cablenut 2 and went and did everything right. i used winrar and selected the upper file went to win.xp then went to the 100mbs option because i read that some where on tihs forum you should use that setting w/ a router but my problem is this.
my upload and download speeds were pretty good and up to advertised speeds but now like today everything is all slow again and my ping is in the 600-1000's.
can some 1 help me?
oh ya p.s i dont think it has anything to do w/ spyware or viruses. i booted my pc in safe mood did a hijack this scan, windows spyware seach, ad-aware, and spybot, i also defraggmented my harddrive and went to a resotre point and nothing is working