Your story sounds very familiar. I upgraded to DW6000 on June 12 and my downloads speeds are significantly lower than the DW4000. Prior speed range was 600 to 1700 with the DW4000. Now during peak hours I run under 200, sometimes below 100. I have tried to return the DW6000 and reactivate the DW4000, but DWay isn't cooperating. I am now stuck with an inferior system and on the hook for 15 mos. What an "upgrade"! I have spent hours on the phone as well, with no help. Today, I received an e-mail stating an engineer would call, I won't wait by the phone. I am running through one of the Mex satellites, not sure which one. I can feel your pain. If I find any soulution, I'll post here. I think what's happening here is the DW6000 software is external to the computer and you can't tweak it. With the DW4000, the software resides on your computer and you can tweak it to increase performance. I think Dway is offering the DW6000 upgrade to get the DW4000's off line. I could be wrong, I'm no expert.