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Everything posted by eduncan911

  1. I like these moderators.
  2. Go download something at Microsoft, and take a screen shot of the window. CTRL-Print Screen will capture only that window (or is it ALT-Print Screen, I can never remember). Then attach it to this post.
  3. Sounds like caching is still a problem for you. Are you running any "Web Accellerators", like from Google, AOL, NetZero, etc? All of those do weird things with stats here on this site. 4Mbps down, and 384kbps up is normal Comcast (for the SourthEast that is). The higher service is Premium. If they had something faster, I'd be paying for it but they don't.
  4. hehehehehe.... Yeah, I was wondering how the hell he got that. The 6Mbps down, 784kbps up is the Premium service from Comcast.
  5. It was a bitch to get full speeds out of Comcast.
  6. You know, you should get referal credits (see below). What router do you have? This post made me dump sharing my inet via WiFi with my neighbors and signup for Comcast's Premium service (6Mbps down/768kbps up). Not quite your premium speeds, but better then the 1.5Mbps I was getting before. After installing it all, I still got 1.5Mbps. So I ran a cable from my PC to the router for a direct connection. BAM! My speed went to 2.8Mbps. Still not as fsat as their "standard" service. So I thought, "What gives?" and then remembered this post about removing the router. So I did just that. And I get the following: :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 5473 Kbps about 5.5 Mbps (tested with 20972 kB) Download Speed is:: 668 kB/s Tested From:: http://mirror.technology-zone.net Test Time:: Bottom Line:: 98X faster than 56K 1MB download in 1.53 sec Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 52.54 % faster than the average for host (comcast.net) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-5TQ7843H9 Dang! So what router do you have? I have the old Linksys 802.11b WiFi + 4-port swirtch router. The reason I ask for your router is my router has a 10Mbps port on it. But plugging in my machine shows my cable modem has a 100Mbps port. Perhaps our routers are too outdated to handle the speeds? Bleh. Will 'try' a 802.11G router from CompUSA. 'Try before you buy" thingy. hehe.
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