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Everything posted by reddog00

  1. Marriage proposal rejected during basketball halftime show WCAU-TV 10 Philadelphia | Submitted by: Sketch "At this weekend's Indiana Pacers-Washington Wizards game, a woman's reaction to a man's marriage proposal stuns an expectant crowd. The apparent proposal came at the end of a halftime contest on the Wizards home court Saturday night. The woman was blindfolded, sent out on the court, and told if she could find a local bank's mascot, she would win free Wizards tickets... The man appeared from the bank mascot's costume, grabbed a microphone and then got down on one knee. As he began to speak to the woman, she paused and grabbed her face in shock." [And then she said no.] Oh yeah think that is messed up I would definitely sign up for Pay-Per-View on this!!! 46% of Americans crave PPV Osama, Saddam executions MSNBC | Submitted by: Amnesty International Rules! "Two-thirds of Americans polled last month said they support the idea of televising executions - and 21 percent said they
  2. Middle schoolers caught in oral fuckfest WPMI-TV 15 Pensacola | Submitted by: Reid Fleming "6 boys and 2 girls at Workman Middle School in Pensacola have been suspended for 10-days after reportedly being involved in sexual acts during school hours on school grounds. It's alleged all the boys lined up in the boy's bathroom, while the 2 girls went in to perform oral sex on them, while other students served as lookouts... Workman Middle School is for 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. It's believed all the students involved are in the 7th grade." I am going to disneyworld...lmao! EDITED] Here is another gutbuster!! Teacher caught naked with middle school student San Francisco Chronicle | Submitted by: Razmatazz "A 30-year-old San Francisco schoolteacher faces lewd conduct charges after being caught naked in a car after school with a 14-year-old Luther Burbank Middle School student, authorities said Friday. At 5:30 p.m. Thursday, patrol officers driving in an area of McLaren Park known for drugs and prostitution spotted a car with steamed windows... officers found Nieka Arreola and the unidentified student, who worked as an aide in a classroom at Luther Burbank, undressed in the car. Arreola reportedly told police she was giving the boy a ride home. She was booked on three counts with lewd and lascivious acts on a minor." Now I know where Van Halen got the song "I'm hot for teacher" from...lol And my teacher never taught me that. Where do you sign up for that course!!!
  3. Well it was a bidding war but lorne has won the contest by guessing the exact cost of my setup. He hit it right on the nose! How....with his dog...lol
  4. No problem great to hear. Enjoy!
  5. You should now have your prize waiting for you at dslreports.com. Let me know that you got them okay!
  6. Because of a dog and his superfluous snout lorne da MINI PIMP has crawled out of the shadows to become a premo broadbander ....lol I think I might try picking my lottery numbers that way next time. Never know!! Congrats and I am going to look at your PM right now! WTG
  7. Just to verify that my connection is okay ::: Download Stats ::: Connection is: 5522 Kbps about 5.5 Mbps (tested with 1496 KB) Download Speed is: 674 KB/sec Auth Code: 2082831 (validate a http://www.testmy.net) Bottom Line: 99 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 1.52 second(s) Validation Link :: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/auth_check.cgi?ta=&top=&num=2082831&kbps=5522&gen=gen&a=12.5714285714286&b=0.571428571428571&c=1145.14285714286
  8. lorne you should now have your Private message. I will leave it up to you to tell everyone what the prize was if you want. Way to go! Just remember to PM me back so I can take care of you!
  9. HOLY sheyat! We have an instant winner boys and girls..... "lorne" has hit the magic number right on the button!!! The winning amount was $1767. It was $1702 + shipping which came out to this amount. How the heck did you do that......lmao I hope everyone had fun because I had fun giving the clues and watching the guesses. Time to share what I got for free and thanks for playing all. Just love the site and keep up the good work!!! lorne I will send you a Private Message so you know how to collect your winnings. Congratulations!
  10. Okay I am sorry I am a little late but had to wait for CA3LE to get the new server up so I could get on the forums Hope all went well! Last clue: Since the are abour 4 people doing this I will narrow the range down to about $90. Okay taking into account all bids placed so far The following range of $1701-1791 including both the end amounts. More info is that the price is not $1701 or $1791 so that will narrow it even farther. Make your last guess count because there is a smaller price range now so everyone has a better chance of winning. I will try and wait a longer Sunday to determine the winner because of the swithching of servers and forum access. Thanks and may the best testmynetter win
  11. OMG!!! HAHAHA! Now I totally understand why Windows has so many dang vulnerabilities.....lol
  12. Excellent guesses guys but no instant winner unfortunately Good news is I will give one more clue tomorrow night here in the thread that will help you immensely! After that the very next price (if you want to change what your current bid is) will be your final answer. HAHA kinda sounds like Regis Philbin...lol. Then at a random time on Sunday I will come to this thread and announce a victor. I have no idea what time it will be because anytime is fair game after Saturday 12 midnight EST I will try to get the best and last clue up before 6pm EST tomorrow so that will give you guys pleanty of time to fire up the brain cells (unless you have had a few)
  13. Hey swimmer I guess I was way off base in my dual-monitor conclusion. Just go to www.tomshardware.com There is an nice article on dual displaying and the card that are worthy. I hope you did not buy an ATI
  14. reddog00


    Yes you can uninstall it completely by my procedure above. Just to give you and example the only Network Protocol I have listed in My Network Connections box is Tcp/Ip. You do not even really need Client for Microsoft Networks unless you are sharing files and printers on a in-house network and also very few ISP's require you to run it.
  15. Okay the first clue is the cost of the video card. The card itself retails for $499.00US. Best card on the market right now that it why it is so damn expensive. But that is not necessarily what I paid for the card because it was configured into the total cost of my black baby! If you need to modify your guesses do it after you factor these clues in. Make sure you guys look at the clues I have given so far: 1) 2 of the first 3 guesses were too low while one was too high. That would give you a price range of $1,500-$1,792. 2) The video card retails for $499US but that is not necessarily what I paid for it! I will give clues as I deem necessary to home you guys in to the target!
  16. reddog00


  17. Great to hear the BATTLE IS ON BTW I edited my post above to say you can go over the purchase price and still win. Obviously if someone guesses exactly how much I paid they become the instant winner. Please don't edit it a thousand times to see if you hit the number...hehehe. And I will not tell you whether or not any bids that were already placed hit exactly. Well yes I will . I see 3 guesses and 2 of them are under and 1 is over...... man I am making this to easy. Now any post below this one counts towards the contest so bid again if you have already posted above or before this post. Thanks.....have fun....and good luck!!! I will frequently be stopping in to see if we have an instant winner! Thanks for the go ahead CA3LE (and posts please don't disappear because I know for a fact I could never remember all this stuff to post it again....LMFAO)
  18. reddog00


    The QoS internet protocol is in both Windows XP Pro & Home editions. The gpedit.msc command is only a valid command under the Pro version. It is not an available command in the Home edition. You should still be able to tweak the QoS in the Home edition but not by using the gpedit.msc command. I am not sure how but I am sure QoS is able to be tweaked through the registry if you know which directory tree to look in. If you have the Home edition go into your Network Connections and right click on your connection to get the connection config box to come up. If QoS is listed there highlight it and see if you can select properties. I cannot do this unless I reinstall QoS on my other machine which I obviously do not want to do!
  19. reddog00


    LOL....I hear ya there highly suspect it is too!
  20. CA3LE please check your PM box I have info there for you! Thanks!
  21. Wow very nice rig! I just got my new baby last month. Specs below: P4 3.0C Mghz (runs at 3.08Ghz) Kingwin 12-bay (black) aluminum mid-tower with windows on top and side Case has speaker, headphone, 1 firewire, and 4 USB ports on front Seagate 120GB SATA HDD (hooked to SATA on mobo) DFI LP I875P Pro Lan Party Motherboard (not the fastest but it glows neon) 1GB PC400 Corsair XMS Memory (2x512, mobo hold 4gigs max) Sony 16xDVD-ROM (black) Sony CD-RW 52x24x52 (black) Generic Floppy drive (black) Rounded cables for all inside drives for better airflow (they glow too) (and to give a little more detail all drives are daisy chained w/rounded cables except the SATA to mobo hookup) ATI 9800XT 256MB video card (man this thing rocks ) 6 fans total (4 intake 2 outtake, 1 3colored neon on top window) Thermaltake 480Watt true power supply with fan speed cotrol (black) WinXP Professional w/driver disks As you can see it is an all color coded black baby! Just for kicks I tell you what. To make this a little fun whoever can get closest to the price (and you can go over and win) I paid shipped for this behemoth you will win yourself a little prize! Only one guess please!!! If I think you even remotely made other guesses you will not win!!! I hope this is okay mods? If not just lock or delete the post but remember you can win too!!! Contest end this Sunday when I say it does...lol...because I do not know my plan for Sunday yet. Good luck and may the luckiest speedster win!!! BTW - The prize will be equilavent to $10 and I would like to get a minimum of 5-10 entries! HINT------------->>>>>>>>>>>> shipping was $65.00 US. All guesses must be in US dollars by the way. Good luck! PS - This is still pending mods approval. I will post in this thread again to let you know if the battle is on or not?
  22. I cannot really tell you what precise card to buy but I can suggest one over another. Concerning the big boys (NVidia & ATI) I have had both of the top line cards of each company over the last 2 years. And I can pick a winner hands down. And the winner is....... ATI by a landslide!!! Why? Well I do not have one reason all I know is the picture that an ATI card gives compared to an NVidia card (IMHO) ATI does leaps and bounds over NVidia. Just my opinion! Do not want to start a card flaming war Now as for how ATI handles dual monitors I do not know but from word of mouth I hear that ATI is a little better but neither card is the best for dual monitoring. If I remember Matrox was the one company that excels in this area. But for gaming it is not in the same class of either of the heavyweights. Hope that helps. Just my opinion of buying and research over the last 7-8 years.
  23. reddog00


    As far as I know it only comes in WinXP Home and Pro versions. Are you sure that QoS defaults to 20% even if it is not checked as being used under your network protocols?
  24. That is a friggin' RIOT!!!!!!!!! Nice find!
  25. Thanks MicroWAVE love the site. I am spreading the word about it for ya
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