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  • Speed Test

    My Results

Everything posted by HYME

  1. I have two computers set up on a network both sitting side by side, both wired with cat5. one is a laptop intel runin at 2.8ghz with 512 ddr other is desktop AMD runin at 2.2 ghz with 512 ddr they both have the same download speeds of about 1MB in 1.8 seconds but the upload speeds are way off Lap top uploads 1MB in 17.96 seconds and the desktop uploads 1MB in 9.39 seconds I ran each one (one at a time) ten times so these times are averages desktop stayed in the 9 second range every time on the uploads the laptop jumped between 17.66 and 19.32 Anyone have any ideas why my uploads would be slower on the laptop? I tried cablenut to improve performance and no difference was seen. I then tried TCPOptimizer and no performance was seen with it either. Anyone have any ideas how to speed up my upload speeds on the laptop? Both computers are running XP by the way the laptop has service pack2 and the desktop has service pack1 if this matters I don't know what else to try. I have even disable the norton systemworks to see if maybe that was causing it but it made no difference. Any helpful tips or ideas would be great.
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