My ping was fine most of the day today. I was on a BF1942 server around 10PM EST and everything started to lag. I though "oh wow, it must be this stupid server" so I went, and found another one. Same problem.
I started up Tribes, tried a few servers, American AND European, and my pings were HORRIBLE.
Now, I had a tech come out about 2 weeks ago for the SAME EXACT problem! He said that he didnt know what was going on and he couldnt help me. He said it wasnt a problem with comcast, but with me.
The speeds have been on and off the past 2 weeks now. Sometimes its quite fast, sometimes it reminds me of my old AOL days.
I just got off the phone with Comcast Tech support, and they're sending ANOTHER tech today (thursday) between 3-5PM.
This was the supprising part, I could have a tech over: 7-9AM, 1-3PM, or 3-5PM... Before, I had to wait 3.. yes 3 days before a tech could come out.
I also had asked about the Philladelphia speed upgrades, and the rep said that for my area it will be early next week.
I am both overjoyed and pissed.