Don't get their service. By the off chance you have a problem, say good bye to your cable service.
I've had bad bandwidth and connection problems since early summer. The bandwidth was fixed by reallotting our connection with the correct bandwidth (why would it have the incorrecct : ), but the connection problem has never been fixed. After 5 weeks on and off the phone with Charter, wasting at least 10 hours after all was done and told, and it ended with an e-mail "sorry that's all we can do".
My neighbour and I both get massive packet loss every 2.5 hours, at the same time. About 50% of the packets don't make it to or from our connections, they sent out techs, tested the line, etc etc. After they apparently didn't find anything, they somehow determine that telling me "well that's all we can do" as if the problem is un-fixable is good enough.
Just forewarning any future Charter owners, if you can- don't vote them in your town, don't get their service, do whatever you can to stay away from them. UGH! It has been frustrating me more and more.
If anyone has a direct e-mail to some high up Charter superior manager or something, let me know