Actually, I don't need any more help. I just figured out why my dsl is so slow. A few days ago I went to my internet provider's forum and I asked why my speed was so slow compared to other people and one of the techs told me what happened. I turns out that when I ordered my dsl package 2 years ago, they were only offereing a 384 Kbps connection. In those 2 years, they upgraded their dsl to 1.5Mbps and discontinued the old 384Kbps package that I'm using at the moment. People who had the 384 Kbps package weren't upgraded by default and kept the same 384 Kbps package. The tech told me he would try to upgrade my line for free to 1.5Mbps but since I live too far away from their facilities they would only be able to get it up to 768 Kbps. It's still good though. He couldn't do it at the moment because there's something wrong with my phonebox since it's really old so it has to be replaced. I'll have to wait untill then so it could be upgraded.