I have Suddenlink and pay for 30\2 MBps. I am hopeful that the following provides a vivid representation of just one (of the several) reasons for wildly different test sppeds.
I just finished testing my conection with OOKLA. I am in Lake Havasu City AZ and (based on ping? 34ms) OOKLA chose a server in Mohave, California (roughly 180 miles west as the crow flies). Multiple tests (3) and the average I tested at was 27.86 MBPS.
It took about 30 seconds to change the host server to Austin, Texas. Same ping (34ms) but the 3 test average from the Austin server was 10.16MBps.
Before you start blaming the messenger here, it might be an eye opener for you to take a look at a little of your own testing with some of the variables you will see in this forum repeatedly (and I do mean REPEATEDLY).
From the way I see it, it is entirely up to the user what they want.... unbiased information or perhaps being able to brag about how fast some of the speed tests out there can blow smoke up their.. .. well you know what I mean.
Thanks for letting me put in my few bits.