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    zenurmahammed reacted to dn0 in how to do internet fester?   
    Actually those levels look pretty darn good. The SNR cannot be too high, I would love to see 39dB SNR myself, just one time . The higher, the better. (20 years RF experience). But, just because the levels look good does not mean there is not some other problem. There are many factors such as how much traffic on your particular interface (this being the point at the head end/hub site where your particular node interfaces with the CMTS). At some point the data traffic funnels down to a congestion point (yes, even the God given, beloved FTTH has a point where it all comes together) and that is where we may be slowed down. All we can do sometimes is just keep on complaining until some manager says "re-configure this node so this guy stops calling and/or writing". So, keep it up, that me be your best bet.
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    zenurmahammed reacted to TriRan in how to do internet fester?   
    we're going to need a few specifics before we can even attempt to help you, what type of connection do you have? Cable, DSL, satellite? try doing a few tests while logged into your account so we can see where your at (speed wise). andddddd are you located inside or outside the US?

    ~ TriRan
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    zenurmahammed reacted to poksixas in how to do internet fester?   
    My internet download speed 3.5 mb
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