I've had WildBlue for nearly two weeks, and it is excellent. Upload, download, and pings (ca. 600 ms) are as advertised. See my recent stats here: https://testmy.net/personal_stats.php?user_name=holler&m=08&d=28&Y=2005
The speed is down a bit today, but I'm operating in a thunderstorm. There is one caveat: Vonage doesn't work on WildBlue, at least for most folks. If you are accustomed to other broadband services, the latency may be a bit hard to get used to, but it is minimal; in fact, I'm amazed at how quick it is with, for example, Remote Desktop or VPN. The FAP seems quite reasonable so far. After two weeks of using the sytem constantly, I've barely touched my quota for the month. I'm ecstatic about WildBlue.
I have three neighbors who also have WildBlue, and they are as high on it as I am.