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Everything posted by x_6985381

  1. the computer comes with 250 gig, and its not even reading that wtf?, i b confused homieZ.... help a newbie...?
  2. iight this is what i am running in mem cards Installed Memory:
  3. AIm Screen name = x6985381
  4. Can someone Im me and help me, PLEASE im asking please i wanna get my other sys back up
  5. alright i erased my harddrive on my older computer.... and i was wondering can i make my own start up disk for Xp, and the computer will run it at start up to make the hard:drive and the computer run again i wanna make it run Xp Home. but i've been trying all these files... i wanna save them too Cd-rw and have the old pc use them as a start-up disk... am i dreamin or is this possible? PLease write back.
  6. my computers almost silent, and never runs hot its stock yes but i installed my two mem sticks from my emachines into it to give it more mem. heres a pic of my cpu info. uhh is there any way i can make it faster? if so how and what should i do to make it work best? the cpu runs at like 42 C' its almost silent i had to see if the fan was actully working and then i noticed there were two huge fans in the tower, im amazed at how its so silent. Emachines did well for me, but i need to get a boot disk or w/e [( i erased my hard.drive )] -[ne help with that [lol]- but yeah is there any way i can fix up my computer to make it go faster?... thank you all.
  7. is there any sites that give guides to do this?
  8. lol no
  9. oh alright my bad i saw that ... AFTER i posted my bad. lmfao. hey anyone no of programs to overclock thats free?, i wanna get my computer moving
  10. no man im asking a question..
  11. this new computer comes with this " hyper thread tech." WTF is that shit?, can it improve my pc or is it just a nother crappy thing that comes with my pc?
  12. alright i have a regular modem and router set up on my pc, i get good download and upload, but theres this connection that came with the pc its-self its a card and its for the media center for watching and streaming videos and sh*t well..i've noticed that this connection is rating at 400 Mbps against the regular cable modem from roadrunner 100 Mbps and i was wondering if somehow i could run both for the internet? i tried to share them both but yeah, i f***ed it up and i just got my connection fixed right now. but yeah if anyone can help me. here ill get a screen-shot. all that junk i put on there to help you all out... uhh please help me if you can~!!!! [move]Aim : X6985381[/move]
  13. are there any tweaks to make my pc faster, i've tried to use cablenut but yeah, wont work bc only works with xp home and sh*t, but with windows media center its diff, if anyone can help me out it would be sweet....aim me with help or w/e :: aim = 'X6985381' running a Microsoft Windows XP Media Center Edition Version 2002 Sevice Pack 2 Sony Vaio 250 gig Intel® Pentium® 4 CPU 3.00 GHz 3.00 GHz, 1.74 gb of Ram
  14. i get the same....
  15. :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 4963 Kbps about 5 Mbps (tested with 2992 kB) Download Speed is:: 606 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server2) Test Time:: Thu Aug 25 06:22:44 EDT 2005 Bottom Line:: 89X faster than 56K 1MB download in 1.69 sec Diagnosis: Looks Great : 17.94 % faster than the average for host (rr.com) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-HQG10CRP5 so i was thinking, maybe i could get more out of my connection im behind a wireless B broadband router [2.4 GHz] and a regular
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