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Everything posted by Rusty26

  1. are those speeds the same for p2p or anything that uses the UPnP port?
  2. well i changed to dmax about 2 months ago(i had craplink) and i have the 1mbps service, and downloads are pretty good. I've been having trouble with my upload speed, but i think its just my particular case
  3. you say $85 for 2mbps is a ripoff, yeah it is, they charge in the US 18.95 for the same service. But look at the 1st speed test of the poster above you...$35 for dialup...wow and you say $85 for 2mbps is a ripoff...and I didnt even mention blocked ports, and unreliable speeds. So yeah, I'm going with dmax...I rather be ripped off by a service which allows me to do whatever I want without blocked ports, and although speeds arent reliable with any ISP...anything is more stable than craplink...
  4. lucky you, i pay for my line, and I already have directv, but i have so many special offers that if I combine directv with dmax it'll end up costing me the same hehe
  5. man $85 plus phone line is just too much for me for an internet service. i'm calling tomorrow and getting the 1 Mbps deal, maybe in the future ill upgrade
  6. actually they never send emails to you, well i have yet to recieve one from them. I have met Wilton Vargas in person and he is against spam, why is the registration necesary? I dont really know, but its not spam.
  7. actually he's not the owner, if I'm not mistaken he's a moderator. the owner is Wilton Vargas, a repected tecnology guru in puerto rico, he has a section in la mega 106.9 tuesdays at 9am plus he has a podcast
  8. hmm :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 4162 Kbps about 4.2 Mbps (tested with 2992 kB) Download Speed is:: 508 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net (server1) Test Time:: Mon Feb 20 2006 10:45:35 GMT-0400 (SA Western Standard Time) Bottom Line:: 74X faster than 56K 1MB download in 2.02 sec Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 93.04 % faster than the average for host (onelinkpr.net) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-L8TKHM9NX just did this test, but downloads are nowhere near this speed...
  9. omg!!! looooook my internet is so fast!!! Your current bandwidth reading is: 15.17 Mbps which means you can download at 1.9 MB/sec. from our servers. Run Test Again Close lol sure and my 90 year old grandmother can do backflips
  10. yeah i thought it was like that. but I have the terrayon one and no where in the pages it gives me is there that information
  11. can you tell me how to check those numbers?
  12. Carolina puerto rico to the world... or other known as Cacolina or Cacolandia the city of vibrating license plates and pregnant women...
  13. happy happy joy joy!! :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 406 Kbps about 0.4 Mbps (tested with 579 kB) Download Speed is:: 50 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net (server1) Test Time:: Tue Feb 07 2006 21:13:43 GMT-0400 (SA Western Standard Time) Bottom Line:: 7X faster than 56K 1MB download in 20.48 sec Diagnosis: May need help : running at only 18.58 % of your hosts average (onelinkpr.net) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-RQP2FGSYD
  14. it wasnt perfect(no connection is)...but it was great!! Rarely had any problems, and when I did, it only lasted a few hours. 1 day at the most
  15. what a coinkidink...I got the same letter... I was drinking a sprite when I read it...and I just spit my sprite on the paper laughing
  16. well when you're being overcharged for a service..i think you should have some liberties... i forgot which state right now, I think Virginia or something, Anyways they have 15mbps for $47 a month for a unrestricted line... so yeah..i think we're being overcharged if they cap uploads to much...gamers are not gonna be too happy(myself included)
  17. i dont have a problem with a temporary blocking of ports for the reasons you mentioned above. But if this stuff is permanent...
  18. if i only wanted fast browsing...i would have gotten virtual broadband... hahaha you gotta see the video at their site http://www.onelinkpr.com/corporativo.asp
  19. hmmm i read a few post above about a representative who said about emplyees not having capped speeds and a few other things, wit attitude. So i was thinking. Since my phone has a "record conversation" feature, I could keep calling until a techie talked to me with attitude and said things like the techie in the the other guy's post did
  20. Onelink says up to 3mbps but I'm only getting 100kb... Ermm what I mean by this is...I dont trust what they advertise... I trust what I actually see and test
  21. well i just got fed up with onelink. my buddy is an engineer at centennial(he also has onelink) and he's getting the centennial ii tomorrow so he can test it. If he says its better, Ithis will be my last month with onelink
  22. and again they block p2p..im getting tired of this...
  23. man you really are selfish... im downloading via bittorrent ritgh this moment, and everything is good, so you're excuse about p2p causing packet loss is not backed up
  24. I really hope you were being sarcastic... If you weren't than you are selfish, I want the service to be the way it was. My girlfriend used to pay $45( i think) for a 15Mbps line, unrestricted. We pay $56 for a 3Mbps line that right now is equal to a 256k dsl line and on top of that, restricted. ANyways, just because you dont use it doesnt mean they should block it, you should start think for everybody and not only for yourself. I want an unrestricted line bacuse I use my internet to its fullest capacity, therefore I understand everybody's need. I play games, I use programs such as itunes, bittorrent; I use webcam, I upload big files, I download big files. I have video conference, and I cant do any of it since we started having these problems. Like I said, I want the service to be exactly like it was, because I think its ridiculous to pay $56 for a restricted line
  25. this is a little selfish of your part, I use p2p to transfer my songs and other stuff i do worldwide(songs that I make) and this doesnt help me Not everybody has highspeed to play games and not everybody uses p2p for illegal reasons anyways i dont have anything against you, but i do have it against adelphia/onelinkpr. they whould make everything they are doing, but from the looks of it, a lot of people are gonna cancel their service
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