Hi, fellas..
OK, here goes -- One week ago, I visited this site, and many others, testing my bandwidth. Now, since having used the SB5100 for the new digital line the cable company installed (for internet and cabletv) , I was getting 4000 Mbps on bandwidth tests -- highest being 4700; now, previous to the SB5100, I had a SB3100. I immediately experienced a two-fold increase in bandwidth with the SB5100
Then, on Sunday, it suddenly dropped to below 2000 Mbps. Coincidentally or not, this happened after I did some major, or minor, depending on your definition, tinkering.
My question to you is; was this decrease in bandwidth due to the cable company instituting their 2mbps caps (and they somehow noticed I was cruising at incredible speeds... sometimes experiencing 1MB bursts, when downloading) -- or, did I mess something up?
Looking forward to your responses.