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  • Speed Test

    My Results

Everything posted by dukebettrthanunc

  1. I want to be able to test the speed of my GoDaddy server. I would like to know just how much bandwidth(megabits...not gigabytes) is allotted to me. Is there any test out there to determine the speed? I can download files at about 250 kB/s, but I can do that on multiple computers at the same time. Why am I just getting 250 to my computer, when I could be getting over 500? MY connection isn't the problem. I've got two servers, and there about the same. http://www.dukerules.com http://www.liberalswhine.com I found a tool on www.dnsstuff.com, but all it tells me is response time. Can anybody help? --Matt
  2. That's Awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! --Matt
  3. I go to West Iredell High School in Statesville, NC. I wish I went to Duke. And yes, Bellsouth is the ISP. I don't know whether the Central Office has a T-3 line or possibly a small OC connection.(There are 30+ schools getting the same speeds. This was tested at the same time as the guy next to me in the Computer lab, and we both had about the same speed.) --Matt
  4. Upload speeds are about 2mbps.
  5. We just got new internet at my school. I don't know what kind it is. It's sent wirelessly from our Central Office. :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 12827 Kbps about 12.8 Mbps (tested with 12160 kB) Download Speed is:: 1566 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net (main) Test Time:: 2006/03/13 - 7:41am Bottom Line:: 229X faster than 56K 1MB Download in 0.65 sec Tested from a 12160 kB file and took 7.766 seconds to complete Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1) Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 133.47 % faster than the average for host (140.254) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-2YNG43BOV Anybody else got fast speeds at school? --Matt
  6. that's not where you got the 50 seeds and 300 seeds figure from is it? Seeds and speed aren't the same thing.
  7. Are you downloading at 30 Kbps or 30 kB/s. Download speed on BitComet is usually displayed in kilobytes, kB/s, instead of kilobits, Kbps.30 Kbps would be about 4 kB/s. 4 kB/s is pretty slow, but 30 kB/s is fast for BitComet. The issue with the seeds may be that alot of the users are in one area, and the time you try to download from them is a time when they're region is mainly offline(ex. night). It also depends on which site you use to search for Torrents. TorrentSpy usually has a lot. --Matt
  8. Just how exactly would I do that? --Matt
  9. You can do that??? --Matt
  10. What do you mean? My upload speed at my house? Or the speed of the site? At my house, I'm connected at about 435Kbps. I have no clue about the site. Why did you want to know? --Matt www.dukerules.com
  11. Well, my site has finally started loading at the speeds it should (at least on my PC). Thanks for everyone's advice. I'm thinking about turning it into a free games and videos site. What do you think??? --Matt www.dukerules.com
  12. Recently got a domain on GoDaddy. I was wondering if the slightly longer than usual loading time for a website it's size was a problem on their side or a problem with my connection. www.dukerules.com Let me know how long it takes to load for you. Thanks, Matt.
  13. I probably won't have a chance to do that, considering I'll probably be dead in 30 years because the government wasn't allowed to listen to that one phone call where the location, origin, and time of detonation of a nuclear weapon was discussed. What am I so naive about? You shouldn't have anything to worry about unless you are talking to terrorists. Calls to terrorists are the only calls that are being monitored.
  14. You people are messed up. What's the big deal about privacy? If your are HONEST, then you have NOTHING to hide. If you have a secret that you don't want anyone to find out about, chances are that someone needs to find out. Secrecy is what leads to problems. I do think there is a time and a place to keep things confidential, but when you are talking to people with terrorist connections is not one of those times. You're all just selfish. You won't give up your UN-NEEDED privacy, even if it means saving the lives of thousands of other people. There's the age-old question, "What would Jesus do?"
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