Howdy! Another new one to the board! I've had the DW6000 for about a year now. Where I live (the proverbial "boonies'),
there is no cable or DSL. Just dial up which completely sucks. The small problem I'm having is with signal. Put on a new roof last summer. When my dish was installed, I had signal of in the low 90's. Then, had to repoint the dish. Was getting a peak signal of 97. Now, I'm lucky it goes past 50. There was a time when Direcway d-loaded new code automatically to DW6000 users. This dropped my signal to 70's. So now when it rains etc., the modem loses connectivity with the NOC.
I get the top and bottom light on the modem. Yesterday, it was out for 8 hours. Back on this morning. I have done the tweaks to the IE 6 browser and the tweaks to the registry. Should I go up on the roof and re-point the damn thing?
Anything else should I be lookin at?