...using prepaid iStream data service from VoiceStream [T-Mobile US]; it's not bad, coming from a guy who until recently used dial-up Internet access. (I only get GPRS/EDGE service indoors, but it's a helluva lot faster than dial-up: 16.8-26.4 Kbps v 56-237 Kbps, with comparable latency (25-1000 ms)...go figure) hey, I'll take what I can get around here...
That's about all you will get with EDGE, on average. EDGE sort of overpromises: the basic premise is it attempts to deliver 3G speeds (>200kbps) over a 2G air interface (GSM GPRS)...
Whoops! I must have deleted the upload result by accident; I had forgotten I used the old speed test for that particular instance. It showed up as 96 MB, as opposed to 96 KB. Here is a more current result:
That's iStream from T-Mobile, after being throttled (damn Chromebooks!)
Prepaid account, paying $30/mo for 2.5GB of 4G data (Irrelevant; I don't even have a 4G device! Normally, I use EDGE service, as the higher-order 3G/4G signals fail to penetrate the thick walls of the apartment complex.)