I'm having a problem trying to play a DVD with windows media player 10...
They're saying I need or am missing a decoder...
All the decoders I've noticed you have to pay for...
Is there somewhere where I can get a free one to down load?
If that's the box with all the light flashing... it's an RCA....
A few more questions for y'all.
(1) Does that card you slide in the slot when you set up broadband have anything to do with general browsing and downloads... cuz if I remember they offered different prices and I got the el cheepo version
(2) Which is more important for web page loading and web browsing in general the Processor {mine is only 1.60Hz} or the amount of RAM ...{Only got 128mbRAM}?
Everytime I try to download anything the transfer rate starts off at around 250 KB/sec but always winds it's way down to 38.4 KB/sec.... every time.... I have read every tutoral on here, have used Vanbures guide to set up my cablenut settings but nothing is working. Oh and yeah I've got cable....
Somethings gotta give.
Hey guys is there a software program or hack to
help me save all of maybe 15 cookies that I always
need to save at shut down? I've been using a program
called cookies manager but it sucks cuz I always have
to go in a periodically select and clean myself. If you ask
me it helps but it's pointless, too. Please help.
Newbie here asking a real dumb question.
Is there a general range for the Default Receive Window and Defult send window..
[first 2 options on the Cable nut chart] for the average cable user on here.
Hi. I'm trying to find out my current existing registry values before I load new settings into cable nut editors new values..... How do I go about doing this the easy way? Is their a way to import them right into the Cable nut thing? This isn't my first time using this but the first time on my Dads computer so I can't really mess up... On my computer I just went ahead and changed values... but this is gonna have to be a different process.. Would like to have a back up of the original values if it's possible. If it's a dumb question... Sorry.