Van Buren...
1. Windows XP Professional, SP2
2. Cox Communications, 9Mbps down and 1Mbps up
4. and give download speeds anywhere from less than 1Mbps to 2,3Mbps download, but it's 8PM here.....if I test at 3-6AM in the morning I almost always get well above 5Mpbs and max out at 7 or 8Mbps download
5. already did this
6. Using Firefox
7. connected via NIC
8. tried this several times
9. have spware and adware removal programs
10. no zonealarm
11. none of those firewalls
12. no viruses
13. windows up to date
14. have a similar cleaner program
15. I have the newest Cablenut but I've been making my own custom .ccs file