Good day,
I downloaded a file an it comes with the extension .DAA, I use Daemon tools to try and open it but with no luck, any suggestions please.
Thanks alot
Wuz up,
I have a clients computer to convert from Win Vista to WinXp, but installing via autorun in Windows doesnt work, and when boot from XP cd an try to format, it cant see the drive.Any reasons why please. I need to delete Vista an install xp.
Model Laptop:
IBM T60p
Thanks !
yes it's an internal mail server, I'm not behind a DMZ, but I made some changes to ma ISA server , not sure if that is causing it, I just allowed all traffic from the mail server an that didnt solve it either, and I dont suspect that it's the ISA causing this error
There was a SMTP communication problem with the recipient's email server. Please contact your system administrator.
< #5.5.0 smtp;550-5.7.1 [] The IP you're using to send email is not authorized >
well it all just happened out of the blue.......well not sure when it started but I noticed it after I configed SSL for the OWA users.
yes they are in Active Directory
And no, I dont see any problem with exchange connections
wuz up,
This is what my Mirosoft exchange server 2003 is sying when I try to send mail, I can receive mail but not send
[my ip address] The IP you're using to send email is not authorized .....
help please!
Bless up
well that aint the prob becuz ,I config GP to disconnect session when idle and to end sessions when their inactive for 2 min.
For the second part ,dont know what your saying so...
hail wad up,
I vpn to a remote loccation an then try to remote desktop,but i get this error:
1 Remote Dekstop Might not be enable ont the remote computer..(which it is).
2)Maximum number of connections were exceeded for the remote computer
(kinda immpossible becuz I'm the only one trying to do it at the time)
3)A network error has occured at the time.
Anyone can give assistance with this please it's urgent.
Thank you..