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About dell

  • Birthday 01/01/1

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  1. dell

    Starband SUCKS

    Class action law suit for starband http://www.lawyersandsettlements.com/class_action.html for direcway https://www.lawyersandsettlements.com/case/direcway_satellite
  2. dell

    Starband SUCKS

    Starband to keep from going bankrupt again mergered with spacenet, now starshit wants nothing to do with the low end users to prove it the 360 users which starshit no longer makes gave the users no incentive to upgrade. and now they have a new FAP policy the 360 limit is 700mb a week the 484 3.4gb a week which was unlimited and once you hit the FAP your speeds drop to 100 kbps for 7 days. And no mention of this FAP policy anywhere. Any lawyers around to file a class action suit,
  3. http://www.dishdepot.com/accessories.jsp http://pbh-sales.com/dbs-dvb_dish.htm http://www.system-high.com/hotshot.asp http://www.skyvision.com/store/mi1500071.html http://www.skyvision.com/store/mi1500101.html http://www.montanasatellite.com/tools/ http://www.direcwaydealer.com/html/accessories.php
  4. The "REV" and his porn sites are finally down and out. LOL
  5. http://www.direcway.bz/pages/16/ http://www.dvb4u.com/catalog/product_info.php/products_id/366 http://shop.skyvision.com/store/mi1500067.html http://www.americansatellite.com/products/viewprod.asp?ITEM=1514 http://www.shop.com/op/aprod-p17916351-k24-g4-~Heated+satellite+Dish+-nover?sourceid=3
  6. dell

    Starband 484

  7. dell

    Starband 484

  8. You have a choice go back to dial-up. (_?_)
  9. what modem do you have.
  10. Webuser if you do have starband then that test is a fluke lets see a nother test from different speed sites.
  11. dell


    [glow=red,2,300]Starband has shut down 2 more transponders on AMC-4 and been suspending accounts.[/glow]
  12. http://www.spacetoday.net/Summary/2387 http://www.broadbandreports.com/shownews/55967
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