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About bleau101

  • Birthday 01/01/1

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  1. Hi, got mine yesterday and the signal strength increased from 78 to 86 and stays stable doesn't fluctuate and seems faster. Went to the pro-plus am adding a 2 watt tx tom.
  2. It turned out to be the modem was bad. Tried Her other commissioned 6000 modem.and then system was up and running.
  3. Right Aggr3, Am setting it up for a neighbor. They do have an installer coming out Friday.
  4. Have done this many times, but never ran across this.
  5. Yes, it is locked, it will then lose the the signal..can reopen it will lock on again.
  6. Running registration,am commissioned to amc9, signal strength 84. Ok, goes to acp it set there..finally passes at 86. Won't pass registration, loses sinal...says not locked...close signal, reopen signal strenth of 84. Anyone have any thoughts?
  7. Am in North MS. here, have tried cingular edge,tmobile, and sprint.Sprint being the fastest,still not as fast as dway.Cost for unlimited with sprint was 80.00 a month.Still have the cards if any are interested t mobile for me was the slowest.
  8. Signal strength is 90 thanks
  9. I've noticed dustyfoot.com now has available 1,2,3and 4 watt systems. I have a .98 dish with a 2 watt. Am wondering if one could tell much difference going to a 4 watt receiver. Might hold a signal better in adverse weather?
  10. Yes Jim had 3 inches of rain last weekend no internet. Suppose to rain this weekend hope it does, maybe will stay connected.
  11. oops 256 2/3...sorry
  12. Thanks Jim there is an sp logo on it. I did have .74 meter my signal went from 62 to 87 and a rate code of 356 2/3. So just live with the slight dullness ...darn. Still like the results.
  13. Thanks guys for the information.
  14. Thanks, they seemed to make a big deal about not touching the dish.
  15. I know this is a stupid question, but I have a .98 meter dish with 2 watt tx, bought it used very cheap. It say not to touch because of the special coating, it looks dull. Can I wah it, if so just car wash soap. Or can I paint it?
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