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Posts posted by xtreme2020

  1. Most likely this is Internet 'rush hour' congestion.  It may only affect a portion of the sites you visit because to get out to different sites your host will route through different peers.  Whenever an issue happens on a scheduled regularity and those times coincide with the time when most people get off work and hop online, chances are it's congestion.  People dealing with this issue can pretty much place bets on when it will slow down every day.   Oversold intermediate peers are often to blame but this can sometimes be a temporary issue.  Sometimes attacks across a host will force them to reroute more traffic than they normally would through alternate routes.  Sometimes it's too much... it's like hooking a garden hose up to a fire hydrant.  Only so much can get through, resulting in a trickle for everyone routing through the affected pipe.  Hours when less people are online it's less apparent or a non-issue because those routes aren't hitting the critical point. Keep a list of slow site addresses and email them to the support@ address for your provider.  They most likely already know about the issue but in case they don't this can help them track down the problem route/peer. Another thing to look into, less likely.  Do you have any computers on the network that might be doing a scheduled task during that time.  I've had visitors who wasted a bunch of time troubleshooting only to remember, "oh yeah, my other computer is set do something at the same time every day and it's congesting my internal network."  ... or "it was my roommate, running tons of torrents.." ... make sure those variables don't exist before you flip out on your ISP.   :wink: If you resolve the problem please update this thread to help others.

    I dont have any task at that time. I think that my isp use some traffic shapping rule base on time.if I want to use my full bandwidth I have to use a download accelerator that opens 10 connections at the same time. Example download with accelerator 740kb without accelerator 50 kb or 60kb. This happens after 6 p.m. ,, before 6p.m. I can download without download accelerator.
  2. Every day after 6 p.m. my single thread speedtest is 780kb on 6MB internet plan, but my multithread speed test is 5.8 or 6.02. This only happened at night cause from 12 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. both speedtest are the same.

    For example if I start downloading an iso from ubuntu website before 6.pm. download speed is 740kb which is fine but after 6 p.m. the same file download speed is 60kb. This only happens for certain sites, cause youtube and netflix and some others work fine.

    I got cable internet. My signal levels are:


    Freq/Power: 627.000 MHz 3 dBmV

    Signal to Noise Ratio: 41 dB

    Modulation: QAM256


    Freq/Power: 33.000 MHz 39 dBmV

    Channel Type: Mixed (TDMA and ATDMA)

    Symbol Rate: 2560 kSym/sec

    Modulation: QAM16

    What cause this problem?

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