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About scottls

  • Birthday 01/01/1

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  1. The Sea Chickens Stevens, their FG kicker, the crooked/blind refs (the fix was in!?), incompetent coaching- won them the game! Steelers didn't earn it! Then a croaking Mick Jagger, with burned out vocal cords (nothing but VOLUME!)- Was an "earsore"! The commercials were the worst ever!
  2. I am a software tech. Mcafee is a resource hog, with a limited number of virus definitions. Norton 2004-2006 isn't much better (lotsa bugs!). I install Norton "2003" on ALL my clients computers (cheap, small footprint & rave reviews). I also recommend Sygate Personal Firewall ver "5.5" (not 5.6, which is BUGGY!)- fast and secure (does not hide IP)! The free SPF ver 5.5 build 2637 is nowhere to be had (I saved a copy!)? I suspect Sygate is responsible for this!- They will sell you the 5.5 PRO version though (worth it!)!
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