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Posts posted by metaline

  1. This is a feature request...aside from testing bandwidth stability, which testmy.net already does very well, something else I need is internet connectivity stability. For example it would be useful to run a test that simply pings a server like google and records success/failure, over a period of a week. I am sure I could accomplish this using other tools - and since testmy.net is browser based it may not be the ideal venue for a longer term test like this. 

  2. Hi Damon


    I have already used the identifiers and as long as I keep the aliases straight that should work. I mean, I use garage for one work location and something else for the other...but see, 'something else' is because I can't recall what the other one is at the moment.


    This website is a great find and your work is much appreciated. Whenever I am able to plug in my own identifiers that will be cool.


    I suppose a shortcut might be if you could add Work 1 Work 2 etc up to some value, it'd be a better stopgap for someone like me. Those would probably just be new entries in your lookup table of ID's you've created, and might not involve any programming.


    Thanks again

  3. I'm new to tmn and so far it looks pretty good. I would like to test and record speeds for both my home location and for work.


    Home: comcast

    Work 1: comcast

    Work 2: att


    In order to make the results easy to interpret, should I use different testmy.net accounts? I saw in the results that the IP address for each test, as well as the isp, is recorded, so I'm thinking that will be enough to make the results clear. But what I am not sure of is if testmy.net offers reports of tests over time, can I ask the report to filter based on ip address? If not all the results will be mixed together. My main goal here is not to compare sites and the speeds they have, but rather how stable the speeds are over time, for each location.

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