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Everything posted by bretherton

  1. A couple of questions which just go to prove the depths of my ignorance 1. Does the particular DNS selected in either my chosen browser or my Verizon FIOS router affect the results in any way? 2. What is the "Compare to Verizon FIOS Speed Test Log" telling me? What am I comparing? What is the FIOS speed test log? Thanks.
  2. Thanks for the explanation. Note that 'hovering' did not bring up any info on my screen (TMN was running under the Chrome browser with 64 bit Vista as the OS).
  3. Could you please point me to where the following results from the top of my TMN page are explained - the Mbps info does not seem to relate to what is being recorded in the 'Results' chart? Testing Amsterdam, NL / Europe | Mercury | Trace | Multi | Server Selection 10.07 Mbps | 2.06 Mbps | Load 12.8%
  4. Thanks for the response. I suspected that streaming would affect the results but wanted official confirmation. I think TMN is great and exactly what I was looking for. I originally found it by 'googling' for something that would automate the gathering of results over a period of time. I only have two minor issues: 1. I switched on multi-threading but now cannot persuade TMN to go back to single threading. 2. A couple of times I was preparing a 'post' but then TMN cut in to conduct a test, consequently my 'unposted input' was lost and I had to start again. Now I try to remember to switch off testing before preparing a post TMN is a great tool, thanks for developing and releasing it.
  5. Hello to all out there from Virginia. My first question is, does video streaming while testing affect the testing results? I am having problems streaming video from the internet (not porn). All seems to work just great during the day but in the evening multiple buffering pauses make the activity impossible. OOKLA reports that Verizon FIOS is giving me in excess of 75 Mbps at all times, however I suspect a bandwidth issue, one that varies (greatly) with time of day, so am going to gather results from TMN. Thanks
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